Address Search
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When I type in my postcode, the address isn't showing?
Can I search by business name?
How do I delete the red arrow?
How do I get the red arrow back?
Can I change the colour and size of the red arrow?
How do I select different mapping types?
Draw Tool Library
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What is Auto-Polygon™ and how do I use it?
Is there an annual subscription fee?
How do I switch on snap to point?
Can I save a map to edit later?
How do I select a polygon, shape or line?"
How do I delete a shape, line or polygon?"
How do I add or remove points on a polygon?
How do I get the area of my polygon or shape?
How do I add the site area to my polygon?
How do I measure multiple polygons at the same time?
Select a polygon and hold down the Shift key to select the other polygons you would like included in your total area calculation. The total area will show in the measurement pop-up in the top right-hand corner.
How do I measure a line?
Select the ‘Draw Line’ tool in the drawing tools library. When you start drawing your line you will see the measurement appear in the top right-hand corner. A single click will fix a point in the line and a double click will complete your line drawing to give you the total area of your line.
Can I merge polygons together?
To merge multiple polygons, ensure they are touching. Click within your first polygon. A red dashed border will indicate what you have selected , hold down your shift key and click within your second polygon. The red dashed border will now encompass both polygons. Finally, select the ‘Merge Polygon’ tool which can be found at the bottom of step 3 (The first icon on the bottom row).
After merging polygons together, there are residue lines on my map. How do I remove these?"
If there are residue lines on your map after merging, select the polygon and click on the ‘Separate Polygon’ feature from the bottom of the drawing library. You can then select the residue lines or shapes individually and delete them using the trash can button.
My red line boundary is too thick/thin.
You can increase or decrease the line width of your polygon using the line width tool in the drawing library. When you hover over the feature you will see up and down arrows to click or you can manually enter your preferred width.
Can I customize my text box?
When a text box is selected, the text box editing tools automatically appear in the drawing tools library. Here you can change the size, colour and font of the text. You can also change the colour, line width and transparency of the text box itself.
Can I add or remove the boundary on my text box?
You can add or remove the boundary on your text box by selecting it and enabling or disabling the line button in the drawing tools library.
My freehold Auto-Polygon™ includes other shapes or polygons within it, how do I remove these?"
Select the polygon and press on the 'Separate Polygon' tool in the drawing tools library. You will then be able to select the shapes within your polygon individually and delete them using the trash can icon.
Can I duplicate a polygon?
There are two ways to duplicate a polygon or a shape. 1. Right click on the polygon or shape and select 'Duplicate Polygon' 2. Select the polygon or shape and use the 'Duplicate Polygon' tool at the bottom of the drawing library
Naming your map
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Can I edit the address?
Can I search by business name?
Creating your map
Please try again with some different keywords.
Can I customise the scale of my map?
The boundary of my map falls outside of the print area.
How do I centre a map into the print frame?
How do I switch to a black and white MasterMap?
I cannot see the 'Generate Map' button to download my map?
My map
Please try again with some different keywords.
Can I change the map type post purchase?
Can I change the map size post purchase?
Is it possible to edit a map post purchase?
Will I be charged again for editing my map after I have bought it?
Where are my draft maps saved?
Will I be charged another viewing fee to view my draft maps?
Can I add a header and footer to my PDF?
Can I customise the font and size of the text in my header?
Please try again with some different keywords.
My files are taking a long time to generate. Is this normal?
Is there a maximum size I can download?
Is there a minium size I can download?
Can I create an export from any mapping layer?
Can I add a job reference to my export?
Where can I see the size of my export?
Can I edit my area?
Can I 'free draw' my area?
Are the different layers labelled?
Please try again with some different keywords.