Printing your map - edozo Maps

Everything you need to know about printing edozo maps.

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Printing a PDF map to scale

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Some browsers have different print settings. If these aren't set correctly it can mean your maps won't print to the correct scale. The below details how you can ensure your maps will print to scale on whichever browser you use

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Google Chrome

When you click on print (CTRL/CMD+P) you will then see a page like this


Chrome by default should have your scale set to '100'. In order to check this, you can click 'more settings' and make sure.


Microsoft Edge

When you click on print (CTRL/CMD+P) you will need to click on ‘More settings’
Note the scale in the image is set to 94%


Select ‘Actual size’ and be sure the % is set to 100

Mozilla Firefox

When you click on print (CTRL/CMD+P) you will then see a page like this


From the page click on ‘More settings’

Change selection to ‘Scale’ and ensure it is set to ‘100’


When you click on print (CTRL/CMD+P) you will then see a page like this
Click on ‘Show Details’


By default the scale should be set to ‘100%’.

Adobe Acrobat

When you click on print (CTRL/CMD+P) you will then see a box like this

Adjust the setting to be ‘Actual size’, alternatively you can set 'Custom Scale' to 100

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