Sep 9
Team Member Spotlight - Bea
We are taking you behind the scenes of edozo and introducing our team members, some might sound familiar to you and some others not, but they are all equally important and doing a phenomenal job. Let's get to know the heroes behind edozo.

Who are you?
I’m Bea, Marketing Director at edozo, and working with the wonderful Stella. We are busy helping support grow the business hand in hand with the commercial team, and launch new products to market. I’m also mother to Fergus who’s almost one, and to Rocco my Pomeranian who I'm slightly obsessed with. Having spent nearly 10 years in London, in the midst of Covid I moved home to rural Gloucestershire and pop into London every month to see the team in the office.
What do you like about edozo?
I joined edozo a few months ago, and what really sold the business to me was the culture and the people who made up the team. Joining via zoom can be a strange process, but the positivity of people shone through loud and clear even in this online world. If a business has happy staff, an engaged and passionate team, and great leadership it has the recipe for success. I’ve always been interested in mapping, being an ex Geographer and having run my own tech start up in the address and mapping world, so the product also resonated with me. I am property mad – and even though the business focuses on commercial property – it was an easy sale: property, maps and a great team with a flexible culture.
What are your interests outside of work?
I am a qualified barre instructor and teach around 8 classes a week in person and online. I'm a true barre addict – if you haven’t tried it before, or even heard of it, get yourself down to your nearest class. It’s the most wonderful version of torture – low impact, suitable for injuries and pre/post natal, but it burns like hell and you feel totally exhausted after class!
What advice would you give to your teenage self and why?
Be nicer and more grateful to your parents! Having recently becoming a mum for the first time, I know realise how bloomin’ hard it is bringing up a child. I look back at my rebellious, cheeky, and testing teenage self and think “goodness, give your poor parents a break!”.
What’s your favourite way to unwind after a busy day?
I love being outside, in nature and in the countryside – hence my soul was slowly shrinking being in central London! As soon as I finish work, I clip Rocco on a lead, bung Fergus in his pram, grab the husband and we head out for a walk and a play in the rec. I’ve never been one to watch TV or sit on a sofa, I far rather keep busy, by doing physical things like walking, a barre class, or even some gardening once Fergus goes to bed!
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?
A travel machine. I'm always late. I’m also a terrible traveller – scared of planes, terrified of boats and detest packing. I used to hate commuting & travel time – so a machine that with the click of a finger just dropped you in the place you are trying to mission towards would be heaven!
What’s one thing you’re learning now, and why is it important?
Patience and positivity. It can be hard to juggle work, side hustles and babies... I am naturally impatience and spontaneous - two things that don’t go hand in hand with children! It can be easy to get into a bad mood when you are woken most nights, have little ‘me’ time and feel like you are always working or doing unpaid work aka childcare. I've recently taught myself to mentally reset and have a different outlook - make the effort to get to activities you enjoy, make the most of even just thirty minutes, and focus on positivity, rather than getting bogged down in the day to day routine!